Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Good babies gone bad.

It's a sad story, one we hear all too often. Sweet, adorable babies who for one reason or another, turn to a life of questionable morals and seedy activity. The ones who sneak whiskey in with their formula, who make a play for all the chicks in the sandbox, who stay up all night partying only to drag themselves to bed, er I mean crib, in the wee hours of the morning. And I regret to say that despite my shining influence, two of my beloved baby boys- Dumpling and MiniCooper- have gone over to the dark side. I only hope it's not too late for them.

Dumpling has turned to a life of rock n roll, which can only mean groupies, trashing hotel rooms, and trading his favorite toy, Duckie, for coke.

Poor little MiniCooper just can't stop hitting the bottle. We're considering an intervention. You can't solve your problems with booze MC!


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