Monday, July 7, 2008

Long overdue

Yes I am alive! I've been a busy little bee with no time to update this thing. Ok, that's not entirely true. Besides being a busy little bee, I've also been a busy little procrastinator who didn't want to sit still long enough to write anything. But alas, here is a quick update as to what has been going on in Rachelworld.

(Random memory: I was rather spacey and out of it as a child - hard to believe I know - and my mom used to say "Ohhh she's in Rachelworld again!")

Anywayyyy, we are moved into the new place and almost completely unpacked yayyy! I am loving it here- lots more room, big windows with so much light, huge backyard with a patio area to chill with the family-in-law. Awesomeness. We still have a little more to do to get settled in, but so far I am quite content up here in the suburbs.

Engagement party is in less than a week. I'm not sure how the dress is gonna look on me, but I'm not too stressed about it. I am soooo excited to see all my old friends. It should be a lot of fun.

A few days after that we leave for vacation with the family I work for. Sooo not prepared for that! I have to buy a bathing suit, and a ton of other stuff, but I guess it will get done.

What else, what else...

Oh! I finally agreed to ride on Ryan's motorcycle with him. We rode to Clifton Park for fireworks on the 4th of July. I was terrified but it actually was a lot of fun once I got used to it.

I think that's about it. I will try to be better about posting now that I have internet again and am more or less settled in here.

Hope everyone is enjoying these long warm summer days! It will be over before we know it!

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