Monday, February 4, 2008

Happiness is a warm gun.

I'm in a good mood today yay! Still no meds, but I'm dealing. The withdrawal symptoms are getting better at least.

I didn't make it to my psych program today which kinda sucks but I'm not laying around feeling guilty about it like I usually do. I've been spending a lot of time drawing and writing, and I actually designed the tattoos I want, so hopefully I'll be able to get them soon.

I've also been watching a lot of movies lately....

Across the Universe = amazing.

Atonement = amazing. (I didn't think there was any way it would be as good as the book but it was actually really really well done)

Today I'm hoping to watch either No Country for Old Men or I'm Not There (RIP Heath). And let's pray this good mood lasts, and that I get back on my meds sooooon!

Much love <3

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