Sunday, March 30, 2008

Vanity, animals, and unfounded guilt

So I've actually been somewhat productive this weekend. I ran pretty much all the errands I needed to, plus I finally took care of the furry caterpillars above my eyes.

I also picked up some hair dye, so I'll probably take care of that tonight. Maybe I'll post some pics if I feel up to it.

On a completely unrelated note, I have been watching a lot of Animal Cops lately. Normally I avoid this show because it greatly upsets me, but for some reason over the past few weeks (perhaps boredom... or masochism?) I haven't been able to keep away. Now, as anyone who has spent any time with me knows, I love animals more than I like most people. I don't understand how anyone can harm and neglect such defenseless creatures. It's the same with children. Seeing poor innocent babies being abused is the main reason I left social work. Case in point: a one year old beaten so badly that he will most likely never be able to learn to walk or speak. A one year old.

People are sick.

But anyway, I've been watching Animal Cops and as a result I have gone to bed crying pretty much every night this week. A normal person would...oh i don't know...STOP WATCHING? Yet I feel like I have to watch out of respect to those poor animals, so for the ones who don't make it, their deaths aren't in vain and their lives are remembered. Why do I put this on myself? How is it my responsibility to care about every single animal and child in the world? But this is what I do, and this is why I end up in mental hospitals. Because I put everything on myself.

Oh well, I'm going to dye my hair.

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